This session, the Texas House has passed multiple public education bills that will play a pivotal role in providing the most efficient and supportive education to our students possible. To see the specifics on these bills, look below.
#HB1525 by state Rep. Dan Huberty makes substantial changes to our public school finance system. With these modifications, public education funding will see a considerable increase for the second session in a row. Read more about that bill here:
#HB1776 by state Rep. Keith Bell adds an elective course on the founding principles of the U.S. to the curriculum for public high school students. Read more about that bill here:
#HB2557 by state Rep. Glenn Rogers allows for veterans or qualified enforcement officers who have undergone criminal history background checks to volunteer and provide campus security to public school districts and open-enrollment charter schools. Read more about that bill here:
#HB764 by state Rep. Matt Krause overhauls the education assessment framework in Texas by eliminating all non-federally mandated STAAR tests, taking away the high stakes nature of the end of course exams in high school, and more. Read more about the bill here: